Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 5th Annual
Artificial Intelligence for Early Drug Discovery - Part 1
Early Decision-Making for Driving Drug Design and Lead Optimization
APRIL 11 - 12, 2023
The Artificial Intelligence for Early Drug Discovery conference brings together a diverse group of experts from chemistry, target discovery, pharmacology, and bioinformatics, to talk about the increasing use of computational tools, artificial intelligence
(AI) models, machine learning (ML) algorithms, and data mining in preclinical drug development. The talks will highlight the opportunities and limitations of AI/ML-driven decision-making, using relevant case studies and research findings. The first
part of the conference will focus on how AI/ML can help in drug design, hit identification, lead optimization, PK/PD predictions, and early safety assessments. The second part will focus on emerging computational tools and models to identify new drug
targets, prioritize compounds for development and to help drive niche applications, such as predictions for targeted protein degradation.